Kate Trinajstic, a paleontologist from Curtin University, said the findings provide insight into the early evolution of all vertebrates. "Nothing like this has ever been found in the world," said Trinajstic.
Furthermore, he said, researchers actually found the fish muscles. For the first time researchers were able to map all existing muscles in placoderm.
"This tells us that the fish does not mean primitive animals that simple," he said. The fish he has a unique and complex muscles that are different from modern fish.
"Together with a complex system of muscles, they also have different spinal column," he explained. One thing that makes different placoderm with sharks is a crucial joint between the skull and the 'corset' shoulder.
"This fish has its own incredible neck bones and they also have armor. Thus, they can only move their heads up and down because they have a special hinge joint," said Trinajstic.
Placoderm he is the first animal that has a neck. This ancient fish also is the first animal that has a separated shoulder from the back of his head
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